
ERC Consolidator Grant
2015 - 2020

Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
Nuclear and Electronic Dynamics of Microsolvated Biomolecules and Nanoparticle-Biomolecule Hybrid Systems driven by Tailored Laser Fields
2008 - 2016

DFG FOR 1809
Lichtinduzierte nichtadiabatische Energie- und Ladungstransferdynamik
2015 - 2019

DFG FOR 1282
Optical Properties and Ultrafast Dynamics in Metal Cluster Hybrids with Diamondoids, and Conjugated π-Systems
2013 - 2017

DFG FOR 1282
Theoretical Exploration of Optical and Electronic Properties of Metal Cluster-Carbon and Silicon Hybrids
2009 - 2013

GRK 2112
Molecular biradicals: structure, properties and reactivity
2015 - 2020

SPP 1391
Ultrafast Nanooptics
2009 - 2015

SPP 1153
Cluster in Kontakt mit Oberflächen: Elektronenstruktur und Magnetismus
2003 - 2012